Meet the team
The Delegation represents a constituency of national, regional and global NGOs and networks, civil society representatives including those on Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and civil society implementers of Global Fund grants who operate as Principal Recipient (PRs), Sub Recipients (SRs) and Sub Sub Recipients (SSRs). The Delegation reflects this diversity and are drawn from NGOs, CBOs and FBOs working on the three diseases as well as organizations working on related cross-cutting issues such as human rights, key and vulnerable populations and gender. Delegates do not represent their own organization (or country) – they act as representatives of the broader regional or issue specific constituency that recommended them to participate in the Delegation. Delegation members bring the connections and knowledge of their region or issue-specific concerns to inform decisions taken by the Delegation.
To connect with any of the delegation members please write to the Constituency Focal Point
Board Members
Delegation (A-Z)

Elie Al Aaraj
Country: Lebanon
Representing: EMRO

Edona Deva
Country: Kosovo
Representing: Eastern Europe

Carolyn Gomes
Country: Jamaica
Representing: Carribean

Hristijan Jankuloski
Country: North Macedonia
Representing: Eastern Europe

Anushiya Karunanithy
Country: Malaysia
Representing: Western Pacific

Andriy Klepikov
Country: Ukraine
Representing: Eastern Europe

Ángela León Cáceres
Country: Ecuador
Representing: Latin America

Allan Maleche
Country: Kenya
Representing: East Africa

Ikka Noviyanti
Country: Indonesia
Representing: South East Asia

Ilimbek Sadykov
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Representing: Central Asia

Aaron Sunday
Country: Nigeria
Representing: West Africa

Lilebo Faith Thipe
Country: Botswana
Representing: Southern Africa

Joseph Wato
Country: Cameroon
Representing: Central Africa