Ángela León Cáceres

Latin America

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Ms. Ángela León Cáceres has worked in different roles with communities, governments, universities, and the United Nations, promoting the right to health, mainly for gender- diverse communities. Ángela is a feminist, committed to overcoming stigma, discrimination, and structural inequalities through strong advocacy and political analysis. Ángela has produced different community-based studies, technical statements, policy briefs, shadow reports, and implemented advocacy campaigns. Ángela holds a master’s degree in international health from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and is certified in Primary and Community Health from the Charité Medical University, Berlin. Ángela is a research advisor to the Ecuadorian Institute of Public Health at the Catholic University and develops strategies and community projects to improve and strengthen capacity; promote gender equality and generate scientific evidence for decision- making. Ángela is currently the Global Coordinator of Women4GlobalFund (W4GF), a feminist movement with 350 activists in the global South, particularly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.