How We Work
The Developing Country NGO Delegation (DCNGO Delegation) is committed to representing and responding to the needs and interests of the constituency it serves. The Delegation represents Global Fund implementing and non-implementing civil society organizations in developing countries.
The Delegation’s work gets busier around the Board Meetings (April and November) and during the three Global Fund standing committees which meet three times a year. They are the Audit and Finance Committee, the Ethics and Governance Committee and the Strategy Committee. Each committee has delegated authority from the Board to perform decision-making, advisory and oversight in their specific areas.
Our approach
Our approach to our work is bi-directional. The Delegation carries the issues and concerns of the constituency to the Global Fund and informs the constituency about the Global Fund policies and decisions. The Delegation takes into consideration input from discussions with other implementer and donor groups delegations/constituencies. This is particularly relevant when participating in Global Fund standing committees where not all delegations are represented.
Representing civil society individuals and organizations
The Delegation represents civl socuety individuals and organizations from implementer countries with great diversity in terms of social economic conditions, impact of the three diseases and conditions for key and vulnerable populations. Delegation members are expected to regularly reach out to their disease or issue specific networks to seek input on decisions and share outcomes of Board Meetings.
Reviews of advocacy priorities
The Delegation regularly reviews its advocacy priorities by taking into consideration the policy issues being debated by the Board and the concerns raised by other constituents. Delegation priorities are often updated following a debate at the annual Delegation retreat and throughout the year as the work evolves.
The overarching priority for DCNGO Delegation is to elevate civil society in the global health agenda, and to ensure that funds are invested (now and in the long term) in the areas and communities most affected by the three diseases, and especially those that governments do not fund. DCNGO Policy Priorities for 2024-25 cluster around four areas including:
- Funding for civil society
- Legal and human rights
- Building sustainability
- Advocating for a successful 8th replenishment
Outcomes from Board Meetings
The Delegation does its best to share outcomes from Board Meetings. Please take a moment to see updates from the following Board Meetings: