Global Fund: Global Fund’s Power of Partnerships event in New York City, 19 September 2022.

Global Fund 8th Replenishment

The Global Fund raises and invests money in three-year cycles known as Replenishments. We are heading towards the Global Fund 8th Replenishment.

The Replenishment process starts with two Replenishment conferences that take place the year before a new three-year funding cycle begins, known as the “Replenishment period.”

The first of these meetings, the preparatory meeting, is where Global Fund partners and potential donors are given an update on our progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria, along with a detailed strategic plan for future programs and their financial need. This is called the investment case and details how the requested financing will translate into desired goals: lives saved, infections averted, and even long-term economic gains achieved by reducing global disease burden.